Friday, March 30, 2007

Look who's streaking!

look, it's another DC area college basketball team in the NCAA tournament's final 4. it reminds me of the wizards, who have consistantly been in the playoffs the last few years. so the basketball in the DC area has certainly blossomed after a little break. is it just coincidence that basketball in this area is flourishing on different levels soon after i moved to the area? it's not like the university of kentucky has fallen flat on their game since i left the indiana/louisville area, right? oh, maybe it has. it's not like the pacers have gone from the conference finals every year to an average basketball team since i left....oh wait. hold on a second. that did happen.

ok, so maybe it's a stretch, or maybe it's just good observation. but it is nice to be in an area with strong basketball programs making the postseason exciting, even if the wizards are trying to give up their division lead to shaq before they make the playoffs for the 3rd straight season. although i won't and didn't root for the wizards over the cavs, and can't root for georgetown to beat ohio state, losing in these situations still feels a little bit like still winning, just not as sweet. on the other hand, this i do know: the wizards definitely won the recent offseason transactions. the cavs overpaid for larry hughes with the amazing bargain the wizards got on deshawn stevenson.

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